In this documentary by Director Alan Ereira, we are being called to deeply accept responsibility and take action to create harmony and balance within and reflect that upon each other and nature. The movie ALUNA is the second attempt and critical message from the Kogi, our elder brothers, telling us … younger brothers that action is necessary as the vitality of the Earth is being greatly depleted. We were warned about the fact that if we don’t change our ways we will suffer environmental disasters and our own destruction in the first Kogi movie "from the Heart of the World".
Our responsibility to action is a little deeper than simply being green eco friendly. The Kogis in this movie ALUNA speak of the inter connectedness of Sacred Sites and how it relates to the Harmonization and Balance of Forces of Nature for the maintenance and benefit of the Earth, Environment, Humanity and Community. As you will see in this movie The Kogis have a profound knowledge of Cosmology. In my opinion this is the most important movie for humanity because it is the VOICE of our Great Mother, ALUNA means "Great Mother", it is her message, her immense great WISDOM and Grace speaking to re-awaken our Hearts and Spirits to return to her Wise Ways … so … will you please listen and pay attention to our Great Mother and respond accordingly with your Heart.
January 2019
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